An Artful Life
House Of Gharats is a design house creating conscious luxury for artful dressing and living. The old and new play off one another in perfect harmony. There is an undeniable appreciation for tradition and the antiquated, but also so much creative progression – and a love for beauty.
Neishaa & Pretam Gharat, founders of House of Gharats, endeavour to bring together various cultures, redefine cultural relationships, and create new style synergies through art and fashion. Living amidst London’s international hybrid city of cultures and its influential past results in objects that are profoundly modern, distinctively stylish, yet inherently classic.
Culture Of Craft
We are passionate about heritage arts and crafts, engaging with the makers and the process. Therefore our designs draw on the essence of tradition, cultural juxtapositions, stories, materials and function. In addition, heritage crafts, unconventional materials, sculptural tailoring, bold colours, fanciful details and artful prints speak our story. Our commitment is to make responsibly through sustainable practices.

“The influence of our native country, which can be felt through our collections, is grounded in tradition and timeless eccentricities, yet fearlessly modern.”

“There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness.”
Loved and Enduring
The objects that we choose to surround ourselves with, tend to be those with the strongest and deepest connections to our past, present, and future. In addition, they may embody fond memories or represent special people, but cherished things also reveal what we value—beauty, utility, knowledge, craft—and when assembled can function as a portrait in time.
Design is one of the most powerful forces in our lives.
It is a superpower and with it, we can change the world.
Therefore, we believe that social and environmental issues go hand in hand and through exploring the connection between these issues we may find innovative design solutions to sustainability.
Marko Ilievski
The three main reasons why I was attracted to your house are first of all the source of inspiration for everything you create which is your culture, tradition and heritage. Since my design aesthetic is based on the culture and the tradition of my country it was nice to see that your brand DNA is exactly that.
Second is the craftsmanship and the workmanship that go into creating your products.
The third reason why I choose to apply for your brand is how much you care about your community. The last sentence by Mahatma Gandhi and I quote “There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness.” I find it beautiful and extremely inspiring.
Amy Davidson
From looking through your website, The 3 reasons why House of Gharats means something to me is from the strong culture that is enrooted in every piece of fabric designs it shows the true effect of heritage, and how that heritage of art and crafts has been used to tell a story.
The design aesthetic has such a big influence on me as the designs are vivid and have a bold nature to them but continue to be culturally appropriate.
Finally I really feel strongly about sustainability within the design industry and seeing how your company is creating these designs with the constant idea of keeping every piece of fabric being used environmentally friendly to help build a sustainable future is very powerful.
Nadia Bogash
” House of Gharats was born out of the love of living an artful life with purpose. “-sentence that made me fall in love with your brand right away. I feel connected to it as I try to live like that (an artful life with purpose).
The second thing that mean something to me would deffinitely be your style and presentation of it. Everything is classic, elegant and cathes the eye. It’s like you are telling different stories with everything you make.
And the third thing is that you follow slow fashion movement. I think it is so important to develop stability and groundedness nowadays because it helps us to remember where we come from, remember that everything is temporary and that we need to take care of things while they are with us.
Lusine Avetisian
3 key internship objectives
– I consider my activity as a print designer not just as a profession, but
mainly as my biggest passion, which is one of the reasons why I think that I would
be perfect to work with your brand .
– your brand have a very bright , strong artistic and cultural styles , its very important for me and my art and i like your mix traditional and modern style . your fashion brand its original of expressing vision of art.
– to consider the diversity of the world, to believe in miracles and achieve harmony in style -its my think about House of Gharats brand
Shivali Patel
– Seeing how culture and traditions weaves within your designs in the modern world.
– The mix between bold, bright colours with sophisticated design.
– Inspiring to read how sustainability plays a big role within your design process.
Keva Epale
” Design is a superpower ”
From your “House” I felt meaning through :
– Colour is everywhere, it feels so welcoming.
– Your quote on Design is a superpower.
You discovered and found Design is a superpower. That shifting of mindset inspires me and is meaningful for everyone who is a designer. Acknowledging in your place and pace that the superpower just needs to be awakened and noticed.
– Your logo enticed me to apply: subtle and yet powerful.
I do have to add to this answer that your Indian inheritance also matters to me. I am not Indian but I have an Indian name,
and ever since childhood, I feel a deep connection to Indian culture and art of creating. Your designs and their vivid character can only call to them the right customers and collaborators.
I believe that in the end if you look closely, things and people chose us. Energy attracts similar energy that’s why there is no competition (another lesson I learn daily).
Sanjula Venkateswaran
The three things that meant something to me is
– Values of the Founder
– Easy access to the products
– Minimalistic approach
Francesca Scarfone
1.” The brand is driven by the values of art and craft, rather than fashion, and as a result, our designs are not about trends, but are timeless pieces that can be passed down through the generations.”. This point is crucial in this ever changing fashion system, when trends change not seasonally anymore, but daily, we need timeless pieces that won’t be thrown away but have a longer life cycle, which, of course, becomes even more possible if, as in this case, the materials have a very high quality.
2. I really like your multicultural approach, the fact that you build your design on “British tailoring, Italian craftsmanship and Indian artisanship”, shows how useful and valuable interrelationships and synergies between cultures are. Being curious and open minded should be at the base of every company.
3. “Come on our journey, we have so much to learn and create together.”. Seeing this written on your home page is really great. To acknowledge that a customer is not just a client, but a collaborator, who can bring valuable inputs into an organization, is fundamental to establish an enduring relationship based on a two-sided communication and to have a loyal consumer.
Lim Wei Teng
I think these 3 things are really important in Fashion in general as technology is being developed really fast and the environment’s condition is deteriorating, I find luxury brands who are conscious about the environment very admirable. As clothes and a big part of what we wear come from textile, I think the company creating these vibrant scarfs in a sustainable manner is really admirable. I think the House of Gharats does it really well.
Charlotte Cropper
Design is a superpower and with that superpower we can make a difference with the world.’
‘It’s not a design for the sake of design, its a design that gives a message.’
‘House of Gharats scarves create bridges between cultures.’
These quotes from Neishaa really stand out to me. In the light of today’s global issues and changing society, The House of Gharats leads an innovative and fearless path for design. Facing global issues head on, but simultaneously working alongside artisans to retain cultural heritage, the House of Gharats challenges and supports the big and the small, opening our minds to new ideas and new cultures. Neishaa and her values are an inspiration to new and experienced designers alike.
Karolina Buszczak
1.How though through are the products when it comes to the design and the way they are made. It’s very important for me to choose the brands that are trying their best to not pollute the environment and to not use hard working people as the cheap labor.
2.Respect and appreciation of the product. Not trying to go for the quantity instead of quality and choosing a guilt-free ways of retail and production.
3.Staying open minded when it comes to not only mixing different cultures but also blurring the lines between modern way of understanding the art and more classical one.
Shegufta Shaheen
Why i selected House of Gharats to intern with, is based on the following reasons:
1.Sustainability: Your brand has a sustainable approach towards designing and is conscious about the steps taken by it.It arises awareness among people to save our mother nature and protect it for future generations to come! As a designer ,i have the same responsibility to create solutions without causing much disturbance to the life cycle in our vicinity.
2.Versatility :The brand creates scarves which has varied themes,colors and a balanced outlook with aesthetically appealing concepts. I can easily connect because of my similar design sense.I have a scope to explore.
3.Modernising the traditional: I sense a sort of freshness in the created scarf patterns which has traditional themes,related elements with a contemporary touch.It shows your passion to rejuvenate what is already present! It also shows your respect towards your roots and the humbleness to never forget where one originates from.
Working in an environment with such positive values would be a pleasure for me! I would learn a lot and grow overall into a value being.
Some reasons to say how precursor is House of Gharats:
The first thing on the website who mean something for me is the blog. It’s really cool to present the other internships and see how it was and the good ambiance.
Next, the collective section is very interesting to see more about what HOUSE OF GHARATS is doing and the philosophy of your brand.
Last but not least, the shop! Because the creation are amazing!
Ana Teresa Amaral
Something that straight away makes me have a special respect for The House Of Gharats is its concern for sustainability, especially when fast-fashion has such high demand and low cost: at the end of the day, we all share this one planet and should take care of it.
Then as an illustrator I am very attracted to the storytelling aspect of the scarfs—all the designs are extremely unique and make me curious to learn about the tales or ideas that inspired them.
Finally, the idea of mixing different cultural concepts and imagery not only produces very visually interesting results but also carries a greater message of inclusion.
Maisy Dewey
Three things that stand out to me on the House of Gharats website:
1- The immediate burst of colors that the customer is greeted with on the home page of the website. This pop of color shows the viewer the design language of House of Gharats right off the bat.
2- The blog! Design companies that feature a blog on their website want to be connected to the customer. The blog shows that House of Gharats wants to offer an extra experience on the website to pair with the beautiful scarves. The blog is also an opportunity to speak about how much culture has influenced the House of Gharats brand.
3- House of Gharat is clearly a company who cares about sustainability. This is an absolute must! Being able to create such beautiful products while making sustainability a priority is a challenge, House of Gharat proves it can be done.